Pre-Trial Mediation

California and Michigan both mandate that before a case goes to court for trial it be mediated by a third party. These meetings include a series of steps designed to finish or settle disputes without the need for time in court. Our team can mediate or represent an individual during a mediation. Have the benefit of a team that has sat in all seats at the table.

Some procedures require mediation before they go to trial.

All custody battles or disputes that exist around the children must go through a mandatory mediation before litigation in court. Both parties are required to write up a suggested solution to the dispute and/or issues. The appointed lawyers help work with their clients and the mediator to find compromises that lead toward amicable solutions.


There are multiple routes to take before court.

A judge or court can order a Friend of the Court referee hearing, negotiations, case evaluation, mediation, or other third party interventions. This only can take place after verified personal financials have been shared.

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The  Tenacious
Law Firm

CMC attorneys have divorce, modifications, custody, prenuptial agreements, estate, corporate and venture capital experience. At the core of our principles we believe it’s important to protect, love and guide people.

Confidence you can count on